
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Secret Beach

Esmeralda runs out of her house, arms flying behind her, glad to be free from homework. Up the hill in her backyard, at the top, she comes to a stop. It's her secret place, a place no one else knew about. If they did, she would never be alone up here again. The reason why is because this place, at the top of her hill, was beautiful. A long, white beach went down maybe one hundred feet, or more, boulders at either side of the beach blocking anyone from seeing the magic beyond. Following the white sand comes a crystal clear ocean. The sun is warm and makes Esmeralda feel as though she is glowing. After picking out some flat rocks, and laying them on another, bigger rock, she runs down to the body of water, not bothering to take her shoes off because, well, she didn't have any on. Splashing and jumping in the warm waters, she soon got bored of it. As always when this happened, she ran to the beach again and quickly climbed to the top of the boulders. Most people wo...