Diabetes: My Story #ThisIsTypeOne

It was the summer of 2018, not too long ago in fact. I am 12, and normally like to go running, since recently joining my school's training club. However, after my 5k, I started to lounge around (more) and always be falling asleep whenever and wherever which was a problem. My mom took me to see the GI doctor at Cinncinati Children's who did some blood work. All the tests they ran ended up fine, but my blood sugar wasn't. The funny thing though, I was more worried about the finger prick than the blood draw! Neither hurt, however. My bg was 400 and something, way over where it should be (70-120). We were slightly alarmed, but decided to retest it a few days later just in case it was a mistake. It wasn't, in fact, it came back higher! That night, I was going out of town with my grandparents. I felt terrible the whole time, but did not let it stop me from having fun! But, when I got back a day later, it was too much. That night I went to bed like normal, but in the morning I did not want to be roused from bed. My parents felt like something was really wrong, and so I was taken to the ER at Cincinnati Children's.  They checked my blood glucose, which was over 600. We were taken back, I was almost put in ICU. But, I wasn't, and instead got two IVs and three bags of insulin. Several hours later, I was transported in an ambulance (wow!) to the main hospital. There I spent the next 36 hours of my life begin watching movies 24-7. Which, don't get me wrong, but I starting to get bored. Finally, after many classes, we were allowed to go home. We got Taco Bell, but first I had to check my bg (the dreaded finger poke). It was much better than before, and life went on with a handful of major adjustments. For example, waking up overnight to check and having shots done several times a day. Eventually, I got used to it and worked up enough courage to inject myself. Now, every day I fight the battle of Type One Diabetes, but I don't let in consume my life. To all of my friends out there, stay strong, you can do it!


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